Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Digital Outdoor Thermometer Taylor Digital Wired Indoor/outdoor Thermometer, Problem With Outdoor Reading,?

Taylor Digital Wired indoor/outdoor Thermometer, problem with outdoor reading,? - digital outdoor thermometer

List hh.h to read outdoors, is the least 158.0 F, and Max is re hh.h and I thought it freezes again. I try to switch back between F and C, and not, I will only if the temperature they are very different. I do not know what is wrong. Could the cable? I have worked, the other day. I have a window on your kind of vague, but I do not think I care shouln't. Do not work, though a small opening in the insulation on the wire? or is the tube? only measure CO appears above 158 or something, but not hot outside. its about 30 F's Out. We hope to fix it. I thought the wire can be left where it is attached inside. I will try to open it, can not get it. theres 2 screws, but still blocked. Please help:) thank you

1 comment:

  1. Some thermometers must be inserted batteries in the first external drive, have the inside unit. Try this. With the screws you should carefully open the case to handle. See the instructions again. Check the batteries with a tester or put in new batteries. If that fails, that may have damaged the cable. You should be able to pick-up.
